DIY Biscuit Mix

Here’s the step-by-step to make the flakiest biscuits!


  1.  Mix together heavy cream and apple cider vinegar. Place in cooler.  

  2. Grate COLD butter into dries with a box grater. (Think Kraft shredded cheddar). 

  3. Pour cream and cider mixture into dries; mix by hand until *just* combined. 

  4. Transfer the dough to a floured square pan like a 9x9 brownie pan (this helps to eliminate waste when cutting biscuits into squares.)



  1. Flip dough out onto a floured surface.

  2. Roll dough to 1" thick maintaining rectangular shape.

  3.  Fold into thirds like a brochure. Rotate 90 degrees; flour underneath before rolling again. 

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 once more.

  5. Final roll out: roll out the dough to 1 1/4" thick trying to maintain the rectangular shape.

  6. With a ruler, mark 3"x3" squares. Cut into squares with a floured knife or bench scraper. 

  7. Place biscuits on a parchment lined sheet tray; put in freezer!

  8. Save scraps to incorporate into another biscuit roll out or bake off mini biscuits! 



  1. Preheat your oven to 425˚. Place frozen biscuits in the oven for 10 minutes. 

  2. After 10 minutes, reduce oven temperature to 350˚. Set timer for 10-15 minutes. Biscuits will be golden brown and delicious!